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Cascadia Snap Pea

Cascadia Snap Pea


Pisum sativum


Cascadia is a delicious, prolific, dwarf snap pea bred by Dr. Jim Bagett of OSU for Northwest Growers.  We found it to be the sweetest and best of several snap peas we trialed.  You can grow it without a trellis as the vines are 24’-36’ tall but you will harvest more peas and make those pea tendrils happier if they have something to climb. Harvest a few times a week in peak season to keep the plants producing and to enjoy the best, fresh taste of late Spring.  Pea enation resistant so later plantings will be successful as well.  


Direct seed in cool soils of early Spring.  Thin to 4". 


60-65 days to maturity

Packet contains ~75 seeds


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