Spring Sown Pollinator Attractor Mix
A mix of different flower shapes, colors, sizes and plant families will bring a variety of pollinators to your garden. I often find pollinator mixes to be a hodgepodge of different fower seeds that don't germinate in the same soil conditions in similar timeframes. This mix is an attempt to change that! Included in each packet is a baggie with the smaller seeds mixed together- breadseed poppy, coreopsis, bachelor's buttons, sweet william, and phacelia. You'll also find the larger seeds of calendula and cilantro.
I recommend you sprinkle and cover the larger seeds in an area about 5 x 5 in your garden. Then broadcast the baggie of smaller seeds on top and don't cover them with soil. They will fall in the cracks and find their homes. This mix is inteded to be direct seeded in March, April, or May before the soil warms above 55 to 60 degrees.
I grew this mix out last season in this way and was impressed by the results.
Give it a try and send me pictures! I forgot to take any ;)