Copper Queen Snapdragon
Antirrhinum majus
Copper Queen offers a wonderful and unique color palate. The deep oranges, reds, and yellows grow stronger as the flowers mature. It’s like a Sunset in a Snapdragon!
Can be used in cut flower arrangements or as border plants interplanted with low growing nasturtiums to enhance the deep reds and oranges. Snapdragons grow to 3 feet tall. Grows tall and benefits from some support to keep the beautiful heavy flowers upright. The uniquely shaped closed flowers invite unusual pollinators so be sure to watch for visitors.
Snapdragons germinate best in cooler Spring soils. Direct sow or start indoors to plant out in April. The seeds need light to germinate so don't cover with soil. Space them 6-12 inches apart.
80 days to maturity
Packet contains ~200 seeds