Spring Equinox is here and the feeling of rebirth flooded my body last week with the return of the Sun. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to feel warmth on my skin. What a gift to have many days of sunshine in a row to warm the body, sing the birds alive, and grow the Spring plants taller and taller each day.
Spring marks a transition on the land, as all seasonal changes do, but there is something unique about this time; the rebirth. To remember and greet the colors of plum blossoms, daffodil flowers, and the new growth of nettles and chickweed as old friends you haven’t seen in a while. As new babies that need tender care. This time of transition also brings the seeds out of their wintery homes in jars and seed packets and into hands, fingers, and soil. The alchemy of new life has begun and I am grateful.
As I seed and water in the greenhouse I think of you starting your Spring plants indoors as we dream our gardens alive. I smile as I imagine the seeds grown on this farm carried to new places to grow again in your gardens and hopefully, give new life and seed collected in your hands.
So to all of you Spring seed planters, rose pruners, tuber dividers, and leaf harvesters, I salute you! We belong to a special group of humans that tend the earth; we are the gardeners. We are known as the ones who bring jars of flowers to the gathering and bowls of peas to the potluck. Who have thorn scratches on our hands and soil under our fingernails. Whose pants all have dirty knees and no shoes that aren’t garden shoes. Who wander outside in the morning to do one task and come back in hours later hungry, thirsty, and filled up with connection, joy and creativity that comes from spending time in our gardens. This past week I was reminded that as we do this thing called gardening, we are creating new worlds and touching the divine in the process.
Isn’t it wonderful that we are not behind! There is still time for everything to be seeded, planted, tended and harvested in our gardens. But if you don’t have your peas, tomatoes, poppy’s and onions, you might want to get on it :)
Blessings on your gardens.